Micke Syd 60!

Micke Syd Andersson – born in Harplinge, today in 1961! The prankster of Gyllene Tider has finally matured. (Or has he?)
He started playing the bass at an early age, with his bestest friend Anders Herrlin, also from Harplinge. They played together in the band Yggdrasil for instance. They both played the bass and the drums, so they raffled who got to play what. According to Micke Anders got the bass due to having “bigger thumbs.” Then Micke, “Keef,” was drafted into Gyllene Tider by a common friend who’d heard a new band needed a drummer. Anders joined later.

We remember him from Parkliv, where he sings “Min tjej och jag” with a tiny keyboardist on his back. He wore the beanie during the tour since he’d done a perm that failed miserably.

In 1981 there was a plan to release a Ringo Starr-inspired Gyllene Tider single – the drummer sings. So the single was to be “Min tjej och jag” with the early version of “Tylö sun” as the B-side. Micke sings that one too. The plans were quickly scrapped and Micke was banned from singing for 35 years. In 2019 he was let back into the togetherness again, and sang “Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!”

Micke has played with Gyllene Tider, Per Gessle and Roxette, but also with Marie Fredriksson and many many others. He ran his own coverband for several years, Syd & Ekman. Of course he has released his own stuff as well – singles such as “In the Summertime” and “Du & jag & Glenn Hysén”!

He also loves Star Wars and HBK, has meddled with Mindfulness, kinesiology and tapping, he’s a blood donor, he can do a thousand burpees (maybe), he lost a ton of weight because he was tired of being overweight, he was a penpal with many Gyllene-fans during the day just because it was the nice thing to do… it would be easier to write things he’s not been involved with! Micke’s also the guy who says what he feels like, good or bad.

Micke proposed to his darling wife Helena on stage in front of 27,000 people during GT25! in Halmstad! Of course she accepted…

All this is fun and (some) rather unimportant trivia – all the best from us Micke!

We truly love you, Happy Birthday!

Moderna Tider 40 years!

Yikes, what happened? I remember succumbing to the album, hating it from the beginning, but Sweden’s only radio station P3, and Sweden’s only TV channel played the album literally back to back all day long so what could you do?

I bought it maybe in June 1981, I remember biking down to the record store getting it for 49 SEK. Without the bonus EP of course, because I was stupid even back then. Had I only biked 400 m longer, to Domus, I could have gotten the album with the EP. For the same price. But who needed the four extra tracks??

Moderna Tider was Gyllene Tider’s “sophomore album,” i.e. album #2. Very hard to follow up since the previous album, Gyllene Tider, had been a huge success.

Moderna Tider had advance orders of more than 130.000 copies and is one of Gyllene Tider’s most sold albums ever. The album had sold 304,680 copies by December 31, 1982. This is a major staple in Sweden’s music history, and I dare saying without it there would have been no Roxette.

The original title was Självutlösning (Self Ejaculation/Camera Remote Control,) a strange pun in English, that stayed in line with the camera and selfies on the sleeve. The name was changed in the 11th hour to Moderna Tider (Modern Times) after the Charlie Chaplin movie.

There was some controversy, mainly in the tabloids, around the making of the album. Some of the demos written for the album were discarded by head of A&R Kjell Andersson at EMI Sweden, who worked very closely with the band. “Juvenile” was one of his comments. The songs were “too sexy” with the lyrics being about – sex. Titles such as “Min tjej läser Playgirl” (My Girlfriend Reads Playgirl) and “Gå hem innan du lägger dej” (Go Home Before You Go to Bed) didn’t go well with Kjell. Songs like “Det hjärta som brinner” (This Heart’s on Fire,) “Povel Ramel, Paul McCartney och jag” (Povel Ramel, Paul McCartney and I) and “Vänta på mej!” (Wait for Me!) were written early on and are of course all on the album.

“Cilla 16 (Söt som socker)” (Cilla 16 (Sweet as Sugar)) was cut due to it being too similar to a Nick Lowe song. Per himself didn’t like the lyrics of “Vilken annan tjej som helst” (Any Other Girl), and rewrote it into “Min tjej och jag” (My Girlfriend and I) and put Micke on the vocals. Apart from that, Per, and Mats, wrote around 25-30 songs for the album during more than a year, some of which passed Kjell’s “excellent!” filter while some got caught in the “spam” filter. Just like it normally is in a healthy self-sustaining band. By the way, “Gå hem innan du lägger dej” resurfaced in 1995 as “Keep the Radio on (This is the Perfect Song)!

During late 1981-’82 Gyllene Tider recorded 15 of their songs in English, upon a request (which included specifically the cover songs “California Sun” and “I Go to Pieces”) from EMI USA. The thought was to send out an actual album with a real sleeve as a demo to the EMI companies around the world, to make a better impression rather than just sending out a boring cassette. The album was however never printed. No sleeve exists either, at least not known. Oh yes, since “Gyllene Tider” was a tad complicated to say outside of Sweden, they named themselves “Modern Times.” Of course there was already a band named that, so a few years later they named themselves “Roxette”…

Ten songs made the cut although surprisingly not the requested song “California Sun.” Other songs recorded are “Buddy Holly,” “Beating Heart” (När vi två blir en,) “To Play With Fire” (Leka med elden,) “Summer City” (Sommartider) and of course “California Sun” (Tylö sun.) Apart from the two songs on the “Beating Heart” single, “I Go to Pieces” from “Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång” and “Threnody” on the compilation album Radio Parlophone 2, these songs have never appeared anywhere. Some of the songs are totally re-recorded, while others are remixed overdubs. In 2019 “Beating Heart” and “To Play with Fire” were digitally released on the compilation Tidiga Tider. The first version of “Beating Heart” was a different version though, but that was rectified within days.

The album’s track list was published in the book Att vara Per Gessle. As I said, three of these have been released, plus the previously mentioned “To Play with Fire.”

1. Fever in the Night (Ljudet av ett annat hjärta)
2. Breaking Up is Hard to Do
3. Girl in a Cole Porter-Song (Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång)
4. I Go to Pieces
5. Threnody
6. Excited (Upphetsad)
7. Been Lonely Too Long (På jakt efter liv)
8. Just Another Heartache (Vart tog alla vänner vägen?)
9. This Heart’s on Fire (Det hjärta som brinner)
10. When All the Lights Have Faded Away (När alla vännerna gått hem)

Here’s the ”Beating Heart” press release (verbatim):

For many people abroad, Sweden is ABBA, Volvo and Björn Borg. But a country can’t survive on such small amounts of activity and when it comes to music Sweden has plenty more to offer! For example a bunch of young guys called GYLLENE TIDER.

In 1977 two of these boys, PER GESSLE and MATS PERSSON started writing songs and soon after, they had put the band together with MIKAEL ANDERSSON, ANDERS HERRLIN and GÖRAN FRITZSON helping them out.

At their own expense the boys cut an E.P. which eventually arrived at EMI and the rest is kind of  “rags to riches” story here in Sweden.

During the summer of -79 PER and MATS wrote material for GYLLENE TIDER’s first album. Their goal was to make the LP a collection of single material. Ambitious maybe! But obviously they succeeded. More than 140,000 bought the records which in Sweden is a more than satisfying figure.

From the album two singles were chosen. “Flickorna på TV2” and “Ska vi älska så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly” selling 25,000 and 10,000 resp.

This was a lift-off which even impressed the boys in the group but also made them aware of the fact that their next album must be even better. They had seen too many “one-hit-wonders.” So with this in mind, they wrote the material for album No. two, which was called “Moderna Tider” (“Modern Times”).

No-one can doubt the fact they’d done it again…

The album has to date sold 270,000 copies which make them strong competitors even to ABBA on the Scandinavian market. The single drawn from the LP “När vi två blir en” has sold 90,000 copies.

And now EMI have stared considering territory outside Scandinavia. A single has therefore been recorded in English.

On the one side is “Beating Heart” and on the other a ballad called “To Play with Fire.”

Both tracks show the quality and capacity in the group.
As it is absolutely impossible for people outside Scandinavia to pronounce the name GYLLENE TIDER the boys call themselves MODERN TIMES on the sleeve.

But although the name is changed the music isn’t! And there’s plenty more to come…

September 1981

1. Vänta på mej!
2. Tuff tuff tuff (som ett lokomotiv)
3. På jakt efter liv
4. När vi två blir en
5. Det hjärta som brinner
6. Du spelar svår att nå
7. Kom intill mej
8. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
9. Min tjej och jag
10. Povel Ramel, Paul McCartney och jag
11. Chrissie, hur mår du?
12. Kärleken är inte blind (men ganska närsynt)
13. När alla vännerna gått hem

Bonus tracks 1990 & 2004
14. Gyllene Tider för rock’n roll
15. Vill ha ett svar!
16. Och jorden den är rund…
17. Ge mej inte det där
18. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
19. Teena
20. För dina bruna ögon skull
21. Vem tycker om dej?
22. Leka med elden

När vi två blir en (16 consecutive weeks as #1!)
(Kom så ska vi) Leva livet

Chart peak position
Sweden: #1 March 27, 1981
Norway: #2 March 1981

Release dates
1981-03-10 // EMI Parlophone / Catalogue 7C 062-35825: 13 track LP and MC, the first edition came with the bonus EP “Swing & Sweet”
1990-07-03 // EMI Parlophone / Catalogue 7942202: 22 track CD in Kompakta Tider
2004-03-24 // EMI Parlophone / Catalogue 5767762: 13 track CD + 9 track bonus CD, digipak
2007-04-11 // EMI Parlophone / Catalogue 3630792: 13 track CD
2019-05-21 // Cosmos Music / Catalogue: 7332334438291 13 track LP in black and turquoise vinyl

There will be an anniversary box. Remember where you saw it first.

Parkliv! to be released on Netflix

Good news! Parkliv is to be released on the streaming service Netflix March 3. According to a screenshot the format will be in HD! So far the UK, the Netherlands, Poland and Germany have been confirmed.

The only available format right now is the DVD released in 2004. Directed by Lasse Hallström, “Parkliv!” opened on October 10 1981.

New DVD/BD out on Monday

Finally there will be a Gessle related BD release! On Monday GT40! live from Gothenburg will be released. But it will also be out digitally!

Also, all the photos in the booklet and on the sleeve are taken by no other than GT.com’s Kai-Uwe Heinze!

Trailer here

Sommaren 1978 bombarderas samtliga svenska skivbolag med demokassetter poststämplade i Halmstad, innehållande låtar som ”En konstig tjej”, ”Rembrandt”, ”Mona Lisa”, ”Billy” och ”När alla vännerna gått hem” med ett förhoppningsfullt nytt band som kallar sig Gyllene Tider.

Samtliga bolag skickar mer eller mindre artiga refuseringsbrev tillbaka till den 19-åriga låtskrivaren Per Gessle, som då inser att om bandet någonsin ska få ut en skiva måste de nog göra det i egen regi. Taktiken lyckas och våren 1979 får Gessle, Mats ”MP” Persson, Göran Fritzon, Anders Herrlin och Micke Syd Andersson det skivkontrakt som via hitsingeln ”Flickorna på TV2” ska göra Gyllene Tider till en institution.

Vad som följer är en närmast ändlös kavalkad av hits: ”När vi två blir en” spenderar sexton veckor på Topplistans förstaplats över jul och nyår 1980-81, ”Sommartider” skriver 1982 in bandet som officiell leverantör av soundtracket till den svenska sommaren – och då har vi inte ens nämnt låtar som ”(Kom så ska vi) Leva livet”, ”Ljudet av ett annat hjärta”, ”Tylö sun”, ”Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång”, ”Det är över nu”, ”Juni, juli, augusti”, ”Kung av sand” och inte minst ”Gå & fiska!”.

Gyllene on TV this Xmas

Efter mer än 40 år tillsammans ger sig Gyllene Tider ut på sin sista turné.

Gyllene Tider – avskedsturnén. Svenskt underhållningsprogram från 2019 på TV4 Play.

Det här är sagan om ett band som lyckats hålla ihop under en 40-årig karriär som saknar motstycke i svensk pophistoria. Fem män skapade Gyllene Tider som blev Sveriges största band genom tiderna och under sommaren 2019 gjorde de något så storslaget, men också melankoliskt, som en avskedsturné med allt vad det innebär av lust, press, farväl och nostalgi.


New Gyllene single to be released Dec 6 – “Detektiv.” The song is from the recordings of Samma skrot och korn. The single is limited to 500 copies with no less than two B-sides, which won’t be released digitally: “Tuff tuff tuff (som ett lokomotiv)” recorded live in Harplinge, and “Du måste verkligen skämta” recorded as a jam session while recording Finn 5 fel!.

Another GT compilation to be born

A new Gyllene compilation to be released! GYLLENE TIDER – GT40 HITS! MADE IN HALMSTAD. It will contain the biggest hits, plus Detektiv from the recordings of “Samma skrot och korn” and Filmen om ditt liv from the recordings of “Finn 5 fel!”. Then named Choklad, vanilj, jordgubb AND Du är en gangster, älskling! taken from “Halmstads pärlor” but recorded for “Puls.” It’s out on CD and LP December 6.

Get it here.

Gyllene Tider – GT40 Live – the book!

Surprise, surprise! There is no time for teasing, so let’s get to the topic right now. After many weeks of hard labor, we have finally finished our second Unofficial Tour Book, this time about Gyllene Tider’s summer tour “GT40Live!”. At the moment, we’re having test prints done. As soon as we’re happy with them, we will tell you how you can get an actual physical TDR book right in time before Xmas this year. As usual, we will make the book available for free for everyone as a digital download a little later, too. Again, this is a no profit project of ours but we’re happy about every single order. Hard facts: Same format as last year (A4 landscape), a whopping 482 pages (this is nearly 20 % more than last year!) with everything our reporters saw during the tour. More audience, more venue shots, more atmosphere, nine shows captured with high quality cameras of which two are full shows. Give us maybe one or two weeks before we are ready to tell you more, we’re really working hard at the moment. /GT.com


Gyllene Tider 2.019 – reserve it now

Boken Gyllene Tider 2.019 – en sista refräng

Det är dags att tänka på refrängen. På riktigt.

För snart är det över.

Gyllene Tider, 1981 maj
Presskonferens efter att tre personer omkommit vid en konsert på Mastens festplats i Kristianopel.
Anders Herrlin, Per Gessle och Göran Fritzon

Boken ”Gyllene Tider 2.019 – en sista refräng” är en exklusiv och nära skildring om ett unikt svenskt bands avskedsturné. Från planeringen och skivinspelningen i Provence i Frankrike till repetitionerna och konserterna fram till finalen, slutet.

Men den är också en berättelse om fansen över generationerna och om andra artisters relation till bandet. En historia om det unika, gyllene soundet, om kemin mellan medlemmarna, om vardagslivet mellan turnéerna och hur Gyllene Tider för all framtid kom att förändra livet för Per Gessle, Mats ”MP” Persson, Göran Fritzon, Anders Herrlin och Micke Syd.

Och naturligtvis – en historisk återblick hur allt började, det roliga och det mörka, med mängder av anekdoter och avslöjanden. Allt blandat med bilder, både opublicerade, gamla men framför allt nytagna där Jan-Owe Wikström och Anders Roos – bakom den rosade ”Alla tiders Gyllene Tider” 2013 – återigen har fått ta rygg på Gyllene Tider, ett stycke svensk musikhistoria.

Get it here.
